Archive for March, 2014

Less is More (or at least enough) When it comes to Watering the Garden

Guest Post by:  Sarah Smith

A beautiful garden is attractive, adds curb appeal to the home and creates a recreation area outdoors. The only problem is it takes a lot of water to keep a garden healthy and good looking. Not necessarily. There are several ways to have a great looking garden without using thousands of litres of water. A sprinkler can use up to 1,000 litres of water an hour. Most suburban gardens can get enough water with a 10-litre watering can. (more…)

Fixing Broken Sprinklers, don’t blame the yard man!

sprinkler head next to sidewalksI have heard it all as a lawn care professional, “Watch out for my sprinklers, you ran one over last week that I had to fix!”, “Slow down and look for my sprinklers.”, etc….

Who’s to blame, your yard man? (more…)

Sprinkler Donut, Sprinkler Buddy “Underground View”

Sprinkler Buddy - Custom fits!

Sprinkler Buddy – Custom fits!

Prevents grass from taking root between the indicator and sprinkler head. First product of its kind that doesn’t sink or float away in soft or wet ground conditions.

Had enough broken or leaning sprinkler heads caused from mowing the lawn? Want to know where your sprinkler heads are? My invention “Sprinkler Buddy” isn’t rocket science, it’s just common sense that no one else had thought of before me, a lawn care professional wanting to know where the heads are so I could avoid them with the mower tires. (more…)